Peach Guitars | Paul Reed Smith at Peach Guitars!
On Monday 10th October, Paul Reed Smith, luthier extraordinaire and founder of PRS Guitars, will be spending the day right here at Peach Guitars!
We'll be shooting some great content with Paul throughout the day, so make sure you keep an eye on our YouTube channel and social profiles over the coming weeks, you're not going to want to miss what we've got coming!
In similar fashion to our mega livestream with the legendary Shawn Tubbs (video below) a few weeks back, we're hoping to go live with Paul from the Peach Studio and we'd love to field some questions from you guys!
So if you've got any burning gear related questions, are looking to draw some inspiration or would just like to pick Paul's brain, drop an email to ryan@peachguitars.com or hit us up in the DM's on Facebook or Instagram.
In the evening we'll be hosting an "Evening with Paul Reed Smith", the event is currently a sell out but keep checking our socials in case of any extra availability. Our very own Jack Griffiths will also be taking to the stage to demo some of our PRS stock.
Tickets cost £6 and we will be donating all profits to "Breast Cancer Now" via our friends at The Pink Guitar Project.